Getting photos off the QuickTake 100


triangle pattern A few years ago, I found an old QuickTake 100 and used a Windows XP VM to pull photos off the camera. I wrote about it previously. Since then, I’ve lost access to my VM and the software to a hard drive failure. I decided it was time to try again.

Starting from scratch

Since the last time I was able to access my QuickTake, my MacBook’s hard drive died. I backed up most of the important stuff, but my Windows XP VM and the QuickTake installer for Windows 3.11 didn’t make the cut. Additionally, I’ve upgraded to an M1 MacBook Air so running Windows XP in VMWare Fusion/Parallels isn’t an option. Just to pile on to that, the site that used to host the Windows installer is gone.

Finding the software

I decided to start with the QuickTake software for Windows. If I couldn’t find the software, there wasn’t much else I could do. I also thought this would be the easiest step. Spoiler alert, I was wrong.

My original source for the Windows installer wasn’t online anymore, but I found Macintosh Garden. While the file only says Mac OS, the Windows installer was also in the download.

The next problem was opening the IMG files. I couldn’t mount the IMG files like I usually can mount a CD image (.iso, .cdr, etc.) on my Mac. The Wikipedia article on IMG files was surprisingly helpful with multiple tools that could open IMG files. Many of the tools only supported Windows up to Windows XP or Vista. WinImage didn’t work running in Windows XP compatibility mode on a friend’s Windows 10 computer.

False Starts

Something about running Windows XP in UTM
Got everything up and running, but the camera wouldn’t connect through the usb serial adapter. The software could see the active COM port, but it wouldn’t ever connect with the camera.
Something about trying to connect to Mac OS 9
Set OS 9 in UTM and in SheepShaver. Both give the same error trying to run the software.

See also